Semester 1 Final: Self Portrait and Woodblock Stamps
Created using Photoshop
Created using Photoshop
Final Portrait Collage
printed poster, test patterns cut out, and woodblocks
printed poster, test patterns cut out, and woodblocks
The Final Portrait Collage is a project based on the patterns we made by researching our own culture's history and what we value in our lives.
We created the patterns on paper using laser-cut woodblocks as stamps.
After scanning in our patterns, we used Photoshop to combine a picture of ourselves with the pattern we created to represent us and our personalities.
As a final project, all the woodblocks, patterns, and collage was printed out, then arranged into one piece of artwork, a combination of our creations in this unit.
When creating this collage, I wanted something that has this DIY feeling, where the pieces of pattern look like they were cut out and pasted on. The background is paper bag textured, which is exactly the feeling I am looking for.
The warm colors of my collage is a representation of my personality, which for the most part I think I am a happy and positive person. The green is used to represent nature, something I really like and enjoy.
The font used to spell my name is meant to give a textured and bold look.
Woodblock Stamps

2 x 2 wood blocks

2 x 2 wood blocks
The patterns I made connects to my culture and where I came from, which is Taiwan.
Two of the stamps were inspired by the elements of Taiwanese indigenous people's clothing, including triangles, wavy lines, and so much more. Although each tribes' clothing style is different, I used Amis tribe (or A Mei/阿美族) clothing as my main inspiration, as it is the biggest native tribes in Taiwan.
One of the wood block is inspired by the Taiwanese national flower, the Plum Blossom, which symbolizes resilience and perseverance in the face adversity. I think what is unique about the flower is that it is not only about the beauty. I chose to create this stamp with simple shapes, using a hexagon as the shape of the stamp to create a unique look that separates it from the others.
The other two stamps were created based on where my ancestors came from (China) and where I live now (United States). Using lines and polygon, I created a simple stamp that looks like a decorative Chinese pattern. Taking elements from the United States flag, I made a simple quilt-like pattern.
Woodblock Sketches

Experimental Patterns

The stamping patterns were created using a laser-cut woodblock stamps and paint.
The main colors I used were green, because I wanted it to feel nature-like.

Stamped Thanksgiving Cards
Using the Woodblock Stamps

3 Cards

3 Cards